Saturday, April 30, 2011

Invitation to THE WEDDING!

Countless people watched yesterday as William and Kate became husband and wife. It was truly a most beautiful wedding, one we will always remember! And how wonderful it was, for those of us who were not invited, to be able to see this blessed event via our TV or computer. (Praise be to God that possibly billions viewed this "church service," where the name of Jesus Christ was lifted high, and the sacredness of holy matrimony between a man and a woman was proclaimed!)

Although comparatively few were chosen to receive an invitation to William and Kate's wedding, there is a wedding all are invited to! In Rev. 22:17 we read, "The Spirit and the Bride (the church, the true Christians) say, 'Come!' "

"This is a wonderful invitation extended to every generation up to the coming of Christ. Those who recognize their need and realize that Christ is the provider of salvation are exhorted to come while there is yet time before the judgement falls and it is too late. Scripture makes it clear, the gift of eternal life is free. It has been paid for by the death of Christ on the Cross and is extended to all who are willing to receive it in simple faith."
(The Bible Knowledge Commentary, page 989)

What a glorious Marriage that will be, unlike any others! An angel said to the Apostle John in Rev. 21:9, "Come with me! I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." The church is His Bride and Christ is the Bridegroom. This wedding will truly be more wonderful than anything we can ever imagine!

All are invited, but do not delay! Respond to Jesus today!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cutting Strings

I love the creative ways God uses to speak to us and how He leads. This morning I was thinking about a few things I need to surrender to Him; things that were weighing me down and stealing my joy and peace. As I was praying, the picture I had in my mind was a car going down the road with tin cans attached by strings to the back bumper, (as newlyweds do). Those tin cans are noisy as they bounce around and hit the pavement! The strings and cans, of course, cannot hold a car back, but anything "attached" to us as believers, can keep us looking back at all of the constant commotion and noise, and keep us from being totally free to have a forward focus.

A few hours after my prayer, I "happened upon" the following quote by Elmer Laydon posted on Facebook, "God has wonderful plans for us--new heights He wants us to reach. But like kites, we are sometimes held back from soaring as high as we might by our strings of uncertainty. Trust in God, cut those strings, and ride His winds to where He wants to take you."

With God's help, let us cut the strings in our lives in order to detach from anything that would hinder our singleness of mind in Christ. May we move forward and soar upward and have the abundant life Christ died for us to have!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Concerning Prayer,...

If you're like me, sometimes you become weary in praying for the same thing over and over. At times, I think I sound like an old "broken record" when I pray, (this is definitely NOT God's view!), and admittedly, sometimes I even wonder whether God is listening! (The truth is, yes, HE IS!!)

Perhaps you and I been praying about a financial issue for a while, or a lingering health concern, or an unresolved family issue. Maybe we've been praying for a loved one to come to know Christ, or maybe we're asking God for His wisdom in a certain situation. Perhaps we have been going to the Lord for help and strength to overcome a sin in our life. It could even possibly be that we are praying about "all of the above"!

Well, whatever ongoing prayers you and I may have, let us not become tired and weary in going to God often with them! We must press on! Friends, we know that He hears every prayer we breathe or utter and we know He is faithful and answers our prayers! May we always be looking to Him for His answers! They will come in His perfect time, according to His perfect will. 1Thess. 5:17 (AMP), tells us, "Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly],..."

This morning I was encouraged concerning my prayer life when I read this wonderful quote from Richard Sibbes, (1577-1635), "When we shoot an arrow, we look to the fall of it; when we send a ship to sea, we look for the return of it; and when we sow a seed, we look for a harvest; and so when we sow our prayers into God's bosom, shall we not look for an answer?"


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Read it Again!

When my children were little they loved hearing the same story over and over. (Even to this day, many years later, I am still able to recite portions of some of their favorite books.) With great enthusiasm, and often imagining themselves in the story, they would plead, "Read it again, Mommy! Read it again!" And so, to their delight, I would read the book again. Even though they knew well the story from start to finish, my children were excited every time they heard their favorite stories.

I feel the same way about the Easter story. Even though I have heard it and have read it myself many times, I am excited knowing I will hear the resurrection story again tomorrow. I am looking forward to hearing the part about the stone having been rolled away and about the tomb being empty. I will imagine myself being there, and in my mind, I will go and look into the tomb. And just as the angel said to Mary of Magdala and the other Mary, I will imagine him saying to me,

"Do not be alarmed or frightened, for I know you are looking for Jesus, Who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, as He said He would do. Come, see the place where He lay."
Matt. 28:5-6

I will see the grave clothes lying where Jesus had been and will be amazed all over again!

The story will continue,...

"So they [the 2 Marys] left the tomb hastilty with fear and great joy,..."

I will leave the tomb in a hurry, feeling some fear, perhaps, but mostly great joy! (After all, I do know the story!)

"And as they went, behold, Jesus met them and said, Hail (greetings)! And they went to Him,...and worshiped Him." Matt.28:8-9

Engaged in the story, I will be utterly surprised to see Jesus! He will greet me and I will fall at His feet and worship Him!! I will praise and thank Him for coming to earth and for dying on the Cross for my sins. I will glorify Him for rising from the dead by His resurrection power and for ascending into heaven and sitting now at the Father's right hand! I will thank Him for sending the Holy Spirit who abides in me, and for the promise that I will be with Him, my Savior and my Lord, for all eternity!

Yes, I will be as a child on Easter morn, (His child forever I am!), excited to hear again the glorious Resurrection story! Truly the greatest story of all! Christ Jesus lives! The Living Word! Tell me the story again, Jesus! Tell me again!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Once For All

Bill and I have been reading through the Bible and this week we "just happened" to be in Hebrews. How wonderful it has been to read about both the Old and the New Covenants in this Book throughout this Holy Week!

Truly, Christ's sacrifice of His own blood is immeasurably greater than the animal offerings of the Levitical arrangements. Christ paid the perfect price for the ransom of human redemption and it needs never to be paid again. The Levite priests could never sit down on the job because their sacrificial services were never completed. But Christ sits at the right hand of God because His sacrifice was offered once for all. It is finished.

Today, Good Friday, we remember the Cross and all Christ's sacrifice means to us!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

God Goes Before Us

This week was our church's turn to provide a meal for people at the local homeless shelter. Bill & I usually sign up for what has become a favorite--mac 'n cheese, (a recipe from a dear friend of mine). And this time we decided to make two lbs. of macaroni instead of one.

In the past we have always brought our dish to the church by 2PM and then those who were planning to serve the food, heated it in the church oven before leaving for the shelter. This time, however, I had the idea to bring it HOT to the church just at the time they would be loading the food into the vehicles, getting ready to leave. It would be less for them to have to be concerned about, I thought.

A friend who lives nearby called us and offered to pick up our food because she was going to be going to the church at 3:30PM and then on to help serve the meal. We were so appreciative of her offer and both trays of the mac 'n cheese were hot when she picked them up here.

Later that evening she phoned and said it was a good thing we had sent ours hot because the church ran out of propane halfway through the heating of the other dishes. The workers had to transport everything to the soup kitchen and hurriedly finish heating things up in the ovens there. Meanwhile, because the mac 'n cheese was hot, it was able to be served without delay.

This was the first time we had made a double batch of macaroni, and the first time we had had the food hot and all ready to be served at the soup kitchen. God knew what was going to happen that day, so this was His plan. Oh, how I love the way God goes before us!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Raising "Peter"

Several authors have written about their experiences of dying, going to heaven for a short time and then coming back to life here on earth. In his book, "My Time in Heaven", Rev. Richard Sigmund wrote about what he saw while he was in heaven. One of the many wonderful things was the reunion of a mother and her baby. He wrote, " There was a person carrying a baby who had full power of speech and was totally aware of all its surroundings. The baby cried with a high little voice, 'Mommy! Mommy! There is my mommy. Jesus said that I could remain a baby and that Mommy could raise me in heaven.' How great is the love of God!" (I have read other, similar accounts of babies remaining babies in heaven.)

Like any mother who has "lost" a baby, sometimes my heart aches for the one God brought home to be with Him before I could know him or her. (Although we did not know the sex we gave the baby the name, "Peter".) I am looking forward to seeing, holding, loving and raising the baby I "lost". God knows how much I loved raising my other 3 children, and so I believe with all my heart that when I get to Heaven, I will have the opportunity and blessing of raising the child who is waiting there for me. How truly wonderful that will be! But above all, the greatest blessing (beyond words) will be to see my Jesus and to spend all of eternity with Him!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dirt and Clean-up

Even as a child, I have never liked getting dirty and so am always careful not to purposely expose myself to dirt of any kind. I remember a particular day when I was young, however, when I had decided to see what it felt like to actually get dirty. I recall I was wearing (of all things!) a white sunsuit with red poke-a-dots that day. While no one was watching, I went outside and actually got down and rolled around in the sandbox. I stood up and was covered with sand. Just as I thought--I didn't like being dirty at all, and in fact, I hated it! I immediately went back into the house, got cleaned up, changed my clothes, and never did anything like that again.

We are exposed to dirt in this world everyday, and often we get dirty. We sin. And when we do, there is nothing we can do to clean ourselves up. Try as we might, even our best efforts cannot make us clean and acceptable to God. We need the cleansing power of Jesus every time! He promises, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 We can clean the physical dirt, but all thanks and praise be to the One who can clean us spiritually! Amen!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Royal Welcome

Before leaving for church this morning, I read through the "Palm Sunday" passage in the Book of Matthew. Concerning Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Message Bible tells us , "Nearly all the people in the crowd threw their garments down on the road, giving Him a royal welcome. Others cut branches from the trees and threw them down as a welcome mat."

My thoughts turned to Jesus wanting to make a triumphal entry into our hearts. What are we willing to sacrifice for Him? What are we willing to lay down for Him? Serving God sometimes requires sacrifice and sometimes requires us to give up things. We may need to cast off some "garments". Something to think about. Jesus willing and joyfully gave up His life for us!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


"God called unto him...and he said, Here I am." Exodus 3:4

A friend of my daughter's has just had their 4th baby; the blessing of their first girl! As I was praying for this mother, child and family this morning, I wondered if this family has any praying grandmothers in their family?? They NEED a praying grandmother, I thought, and sensed the Lord leading me to begin praying for this family on a regular basis.

Moments later, as if to confirm His request, the Spirit directed me to the verse in Galatians 6, (AMP), " occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good to all people [not only being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is for their spiritual good and advantage]. Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith [those who belong to God's family with you, the believers].

Oswald Chambers wrote, "Readiness for God means that we are ready to do the tiniest little thing or the great big thing, it makes no difference. When any duty presents itself we hear God's voice as our Lord heard His Father's voice, and we are ready for it with all the alertness of our love for Him. Jesus Christ expects to do with us as His Father did with Him. He can put us where He likes,...because the union is that of the Father and Himself. 'That they may be one, even as We are one.' "

I have known this young family for quite some time yet today is the day of the surprise visit from God, putting into my heart the thought to lift this family to Him in my daily prayers.

Father, we thank you for Your surprise visits. Instead of being busy telling You where we would like to go, (to that great opportunity for something sensational), may we be listening for Your call and go wherever You want us to go. Truly, we do not want to miss anything You have for us to do for Your Kingdom purposes! May we live each day with the heart attitude of readiness. "Here I am, Lord."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Super-Victorious In Christ

In Romans 8:35-39 we see a long list of things that will NEVER separate us from Christ's love.
And at the end of the list we read, "...or anything else." NOTHING can separate us from His love! (Seriously, something to "Selah" about!)

Verse 37 tells us, "Yet amid all of these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loves us."
My definition of conqueror would basically be, "one who defeats; is victorious," but I have discovered that in the Greek, the word "conquer" has a prefix attached to it--"hyper" which means "above" or "surpassing." This means we are not only conquerors, but we are super-victorious as we live out our faith in Christ.

Father, may we, your children, live in this truth today and everyday! Selah!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's Gift of Music

Last night at choir practice Pastor Dennis, who is also our Choir Director, mentioned that on Sundays there may be some people who are not engaged in the service. They may not connect with the words being spoken or the prayers being prayed, he said, but that the music is able to touch hearts like nothing else can. Being reminded of this, I felt humbled and blessed. I love being part of the choir.

Lord, use the music for Your honor and glory. Prepare hearts even now to receive what You have through this coming Sunday's music. Have your way, O Lord. And may my own heart be turned towards you, I pray. Minister to me through the music, as well, and may I bless YOUR heart as I sing. Thank you for the gift of music.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello family and friends,

Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to check out my blog. I am excited about sharing spiritual things here, including some of my daily journal entries. My prayer is that you will be encouraged each time you visit here.

You may be wondering why the name, "Mrs. Beasley". This is what Bill calls me, (after the doll with the same name from the TV show, "Family Affair.") When considering a name for my blog, this was the first and only name I thought of. And so it is.

Speaking of dolls,....Some thoughts from Living the God Life by John Ortberg,..."We are God's rag dolls. He knows all about our raggedness, and He loves us anyhow. Raggedness is not our destiny. [God's love] turns rag dolls into priceless treasures,...priceless and valued beyond calculation. [His] love for us is more passionate than the heart of the most passionate groom for his bride. You ARE beloved of God." John Ortberg