Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Raising "Peter"

Several authors have written about their experiences of dying, going to heaven for a short time and then coming back to life here on earth. In his book, "My Time in Heaven", Rev. Richard Sigmund wrote about what he saw while he was in heaven. One of the many wonderful things was the reunion of a mother and her baby. He wrote, " There was a person carrying a baby who had full power of speech and was totally aware of all its surroundings. The baby cried with a high little voice, 'Mommy! Mommy! There is my mommy. Jesus said that I could remain a baby and that Mommy could raise me in heaven.' How great is the love of God!" (I have read other, similar accounts of babies remaining babies in heaven.)

Like any mother who has "lost" a baby, sometimes my heart aches for the one God brought home to be with Him before I could know him or her. (Although we did not know the sex we gave the baby the name, "Peter".) I am looking forward to seeing, holding, loving and raising the baby I "lost". God knows how much I loved raising my other 3 children, and so I believe with all my heart that when I get to Heaven, I will have the opportunity and blessing of raising the child who is waiting there for me. How truly wonderful that will be! But above all, the greatest blessing (beyond words) will be to see my Jesus and to spend all of eternity with Him!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom, There is a new book about a boy who died and got a glimpse of heaven and then was brought back to life in the hospital. While in heaven, he saw his sister (whom his mother had miscarried and he did not even know about!). It looks like an interesting book and very much along the lines of this blog entry.
